PPE masks to raise funds for charity

Paragon Director Martin Tierney and Children in Crossfire Executive Director Richard MooreParagon Director Martin Tierney and Children in Crossfire Executive Director Richard Moore
Paragon Director Martin Tierney and Children in Crossfire Executive Director Richard Moore
Limavady company Paragon Health, which began mass-producing disposable face masks to protect public health during the coronavirus pandemic, have launched a new fundraising partnership with Londonderry international development charity Children in Crossfire.

Proceeds from specially produced PPE mask packs will be donated to the charity, which provides healthcare and education projects for vulnerable children and communities in Ethiopia and Tanzania.

Paragon Director Martin Tierney said: “Paragon Health was established earlier this year because we wanted to turn the negative of Covid-19 into a positive – both in the effort to control the spread of the virus and for the local economy. We quickly added capacity to our Limavady business and are now making disposable face masks that are being sold throughout Ireland, Britain and the wider world. We are proud to be making a decisive contribution in these deeply

challenging times.

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“Having invested and expanded substantially in recent months, we wanted to support a charity that means a great deal to us. I have long admired the work Children in Crossfire does under Richard Moore’s leadership. They have been making a direct impact on children’s lives for nearly 25 years, and we are very pleased to be partnering with them now.

“Anyone who buys our bespoke-branded disposable masks from the Children in Crossfire website will know the proceeds are going directly to the charity, with Paragon Health covering all production and postage costs. We hope there will be strong uptake for this great cause.”

Children in Crossfire Executive Director Richard Moore continued: “We are delighted that Paragon Health have chosen Children in Crossfire as their charity

partner. This is a really innovative fundraising idea and we are confident it will be well supported. It is also an apt fit, given the focus on healthcare in our international programme work.

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“Covid-19 has reminded us all of the importance of water, sanitation and hygiene. Children in Crossfire have recently extended our pre-school education programme into Tanzania’s Dodoma region. This includes a commitment to provide hand washing facilities for 700 schools in the region over the next three years, which will help halt the spread of disease and keep young children healthy.

“This new project is in addition to our existing schools programme in Tanzania and our long record of building wells in Ethiopia. Most recently there we constructed a deep well at St Luke’s Hospital in Wolisso which guarantees a year-round supply of safe, clean water. We know very well the impact relatively simple interventions can make, which is why we appreciate what Martin Tierney and the team at Paragon Health are doing for us.

“I encourage any business, employer, sector or individual who needs a regular supply of face masks to buy them from our website, www.childrenincrossfire.org/facemasks. They will be making life better for some of the world’s most vulnerable children.”

For more information on Paragon Health, visit www.paragonhealth.eu.

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