Minister launches ‘Trade and Investment for a 10X Economy: Priorities for NI’

Economy Minister Diane DoddsEconomy Minister Diane Dodds
Economy Minister Diane Dodds
Economy Minister Diane Dodds has outlined her 10X Economy strategic priorities and high level ambitions that will shape her approach to trade and investment.

Minister Dodds said: “I want to harness trade and investment as a catalyst for inclusive, green growth in Northern Ireland to support our economic transformation over the next decade. Northern Ireland has a rich history as a trading and exporting region, built on the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of its people. As we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic we will need to apply that spirit with renewed energy and focus. I am committed to working with business to make that happen.

“In simple terms, we want to sell more and attract more high-value inward investment for the benefit of our businesses and our people. We will work with our delivery partners to sharpen our focus on the markets, clusters and technologies of opportunity to make that happen.”

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The ambitions within ‘Trade and Investment for a 10X Economy’ are identified at a high level and are underpinned by a series of principles which will shape the development of a trade and investment action plan this year.

The Minister continued: “We see an important role for government to work with businesses and entrepreneurs of all shapes and sizes to foster a bold, outward-looking and ambitious international mind set. ‘Trade and Investment for a 10X Economy’ outlines the principles of inclusivity and collaboration that will frame that engagement.”

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