Can you help our hens?

Chickens at Crosskeenan Lane Animal SanctuaryChickens at Crosskeenan Lane Animal Sanctuary
Chickens at Crosskeenan Lane Animal Sanctuary
Crosskeenan Lane Animal Sanctuary have issued an open letter to their supporters seeking homes for their many chickens.

The letter reads: “I am writing to ask for your help with providing care and a cosy new home for some of our newest residents here at Crosskennan.

We were very happy to help when we were asked recently to take in a small flock of broiler chickens who were very ill and needed our help.

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“Broiler chickens are bred and raised specifically for meat production in intensive conditions. They are typically fed a corn-rich diet and reach production age at approximately eightweeks. We took in 13 birds but sadly two died within 24 hours. One little bird died in the arms of the sanctuary manager.

Crosskeenan Lane Animal SanctuaryCrosskeenan Lane Animal Sanctuary
Crosskeenan Lane Animal Sanctuary

“The remaining 11 are now doing well but it took a lot of work to help them get back on their feet. Several of them were grossly overweight and had difficulty walking. We have been carefully monitoring their diet and providing them with additional vitamins to help build up their immune systems.

“At present they are sleeping in the horse box at night and spend their days in the garden where they are closely supervised by their new friend Twinkle the cat.

“We are currently trying to raise money to construct a purpose built hen house for them with easy access in the garden. They are a pleasure to help and work with and it is fantastic to see their individual personalities coming through.

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“If you can help us in any way, either with a donation or with some hands on assistance, please get in touch.”

To make a donation please visit Crosskeenan Lane Animal Sanctuary’s JustGiving page via the link below or email [email protected].