Busy times for all in South West Down

Deputy Group Chairman John McCallister and Campbell Hume at the last Group meeting of the year.Deputy Group Chairman John McCallister and Campbell Hume at the last Group meeting of the year.
Deputy Group Chairman John McCallister and Campbell Hume at the last Group meeting of the year.
It has been a busy winter in South West Down and all are looking forward to spring.

During the winter months there was a number of very successful events. At the end of November a number of members took to the road on a two-day trip to the JCB factory and two farm visits in England and Wales. This trip was in conjunction with Donard Group and a good time was had by all.

South West Down Group enjoy an outing and so the members kicked off the New Year with another trip, more local this time, to the Tayto factory in Tandragee. This was a great day out, a really informative tour, plenty of free crisps and members were even joined by a local celebrity – Mr Tayto himself!

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It wasn’t all outings however. The group had two meetings in house, with Dr Geoff Thompson, from the UFU, speaking on TB and Campbell Hume, of the Ulster Grassland’s Society, addressing members on soil analysis.

Looking forward, members are busy arranging events to celebrate the UFU Centenary and raise funds for the Northern Ireland Air Ambulance - so watch this space!

Members are reminded that they can still pay their Union Subscriptions by Direct Debit if they have not already opted to do so, and in return they will obtain a free body warmer.

The Union remains strong thanks to your continued support, all members and their families are welcome at the meetings, even if it’s your first. If you have any queries please contact Sarah or Diane at the Group Office.

Don’t forget to like the Facebook page “UFU SW Down Group” where updates of future events and activities will be posted.

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