Business bodies boost anti-Brexit message for province

Northern Ireland has more reason to remain within the EU than other UK regions says the ad hoc groupingNorthern Ireland has more reason to remain within the EU than other UK regions says the ad hoc grouping
Northern Ireland has more reason to remain within the EU than other UK regions says the ad hoc grouping
Being in the European Union is worth between £2,700 to £3,300 per family per year a group of leading business groups has claimed.

Giving their unequivocal backing to the UK remaining within the EU, the CBI, the agri-food body NIFDA and independent retail group NIIRTA say an ‘in’ vote is in the best interests of the economy, investment, jobs and living standards and worth .

While many factors were at play as people debated their final decisions, the ad hoc group says the impact on jobs, the economy and living standards in Northern Ireland will play an important part in the process.

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“Every credible business survey has demonstrated majority support by Northern Ireland’s private sector employers for remaining within the EU,” said the CBI director for Northern Ireland Nigel Smyth adding that a decision to leave would create enormous uncertainty putting at risk the potential to attract more investment from a lower corporation tax rate.

“Being in the EU provides a strong platform for Northern Ireland to attract investment, and to export our goods and services, helping to create jobs and improve living standards.”

Highlighting that almost 60% of Northern Ireland exports go to the EU, significantly more than from the rest of the UK, NIFDA director Michael Bell said a Brexit would undoubtedly alienate the European consumer towards our produce.

“There is no guarantee that any subsequent UK government would not seek to solve budgetary challenges in the future by reducing rural farm support in favour of health welfare or education.”

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NIIRTA CEO Glyn Roberts said being in the EU meant customers benefit from greater choice and lower prices with no import taxes added onto prices in the shops

“In our alternative Programme for Government, ‘The Plan’, we are very clear that the UK remaining in a reformed, refocused and competitive European Union makes sound economic sense for Northern Ireland.

“Being part of the largest single market in the world of over 500 million is crucial for Northern Ireland growing our private sector.

“The uncertainty of Brexit is the very last thing Northern Ireland’s retail sector needs at this time.”

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The business organisations are concerned that none of the alternatives on the table offer the same access to and influence over the EU single market as full membership. Northern Ireland is the most vulnerable part of the UK in the event of the UK leaving the EU (confirmed by the recent Oxford Economics study) which will create enormous uncertainty, impacting on investment, jobs, and living standards for the next decade and beyond.