Beacon Broadband creates jobs in North West

Beacon Broadband MD Brian McCourt with Des Gartland of Invest NIBeacon Broadband MD Brian McCourt with Des Gartland of Invest NI
Beacon Broadband MD Brian McCourt with Des Gartland of Invest NI
A new wireless broadband provider based in the North West, Beacon Broadband is creating 12 jobs in Londonderry as it aims to increase its export sales and seek future growth in the Republic of Ireland.

The firm delivers high speed wireless broadband to homes and businesses and has been offered £48,000 by Invest NI to support the new jobs.

Roles to be created include installers, sales support staff, an office manager and a technical engineer.

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“Our company ethos is built on providing strong customer service backed by the provision of guaranteed service speeds and uptime,” said MD Brian McCourt.

“Using the latest technology, we offer speeds that rival fibre broadband in areas that have little or no broadband access.

“This is making us a very attractive proposition to many consumers across both Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland.

“Invest NI assistance is helping us grow our business by recruiting additional employees to help increase our sales in export markets.”

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Des Gartland, Invest Northern Ireland’s North West Regional Manager welcomed the expansion during a visit to the company’s premises.

“Beacon Broadband was established in 2016 to exploit a gap in the wireless broadband market created as a result of the increased popularity in media streaming.

“These new jobs are great news for the local area and our support is ensuring the company has the resources in place to win new business in its target markets.

“Helping small businesses and entrepreneurs to compete and grow in export markets is a priority for Invest NI. We are confident that this is only the beginning for Beacon Broadband and we look forward to building on our relationship with the company in the coming years.”