AFBI builds new research links

AFBI CEO Professor Elaine Watson welcomes delegation from Jiangxi Province, together with Professor Trevor Gilliland (AFBI), Mrs Lesley Fay (DAERA) and Mr Jason Rankin (AgriSearch)AFBI CEO Professor Elaine Watson welcomes delegation from Jiangxi Province, together with Professor Trevor Gilliland (AFBI), Mrs Lesley Fay (DAERA) and Mr Jason Rankin (AgriSearch)
AFBI CEO Professor Elaine Watson welcomes delegation from Jiangxi Province, together with Professor Trevor Gilliland (AFBI), Mrs Lesley Fay (DAERA) and Mr Jason Rankin (AgriSearch)
The Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) has recently been strengthening its links with research institutes in China and on the 20 September hosted a delegation from Jiangxi province, one of the main agricultural provinces in China.

The eight person delegation included five members of the Jiangxi Provincial Agricultural Department and three Food Company Executives.

The delegation’s objectives were to learn about the success of AFBI’s research in creating new scientific knowledge that is then used to improve agriculture practices. To help demonstrate how AFBI translates its research findings in a way that can be adopted on local farms, AgriSearch General Manager Jason Rankin joined the meeting to explain its partnership role with AFBI to both fund and support this process. The presentations from the AFBI scientists and the demonstrations of some of the livestock research work at AFBI Hillsborough, developed this concept of advancing animal science to improve farming.

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